
Cleanliness is a very important part of being a Muslim. Maintaining good personal hygiene shows for oneself and for those with whom one associates. The way a Muslim presents himself is a reflection on all Muslims and Islamic teachings. This is why one should try to keep good habits of cleanliness.

Allah (s) says to Rasulullah (s)

"And your garments keep free from stain! And all abominations shun!"
(Al-Muddathir 74:4-5)

Rasulullah (s) is reprted to have said:

"(The religion of) Islam is clean. Hence, you should also keep yourself clean. No one will be allowed to enter Paradise except he who is clean. This cleanliness is of both the body and the mind."

Why is it Good to be Clean?

A dirty body, dirty hair, dirty teeth, and dirty clothes are not only unpleasent to look at, but give off a bad smell. They offend other people. They attract lice and disease-causing viruses. The dirty person may scratch his body which may cause sores resulting in infection. Dirty teeth become yellow and rotten, causing pain. They may even have to be pulled out. But, clean, white teeth and a clean body in fresh clean clothes are beautiful. They are pleasent to experience and behold.

In the same way, if a person's mind and heart are clean, his character is good and pleasing. But if his mind is unclean, it is a place of bad thoughts and a souce of bad deeds.

How Should a Muslim keep Himslef Clean?

The body: A Muslim should try to bathe daily, if water is available.
The hair: The hair should be washed when bathing, whenever possible. Yhe hair should always be combed and brushed. Hair oil may be used.
The teeth: The teeth should be brushed several times a day with a toothbrush or a Miswak. It is reccomeneded to brush the teeth at the time of Wudu. To brush teeth with a Miswak at the time of Wudu is a sunnah of Rasulullah (s).

A'isha (r), Rasulullah's wife, reported that he said:

"The Miswak (tooth stick) is a means of purifying the mouth, and is pleasing to the Lord."

The mind: A Muslim should have a clean mind and pure heart. He should follow the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. He should do what is good and avoid what Allah (s) has forbidden. If a Muslim does something wrong, he shoud repent and try not to repeat his sin. Regular prayers and fasting also help a Muslim to remember Allah (s) and cleanse the heart and mind.

Cleanliness for Salah

A Muslim should be particularly clean and nicely dressed for the Salah. He is about to stand before Allah (s), the Almighty, and must present himself in the best way possible. Therefore, cleansing oneself through Wudu, making sure that the clothes are clean and neat, and clearing the mind of bad thoughts are all parts of necessary purification in preparation for Salah.

Cleanliness of Surroundings

A person cannot stay clean if he lives in a dirty inviroment. Therefore a Muslim should keep his/her room, his/her house, his/her neighborhood and his/her eviroment clean. He should dispose of his garbage according to the city or neighborhood code. He should not leave it to blow around on other people's property or on the road. He should not use roads or sidewalks or public places to throw waste or garbage. Following these teachings shows respect for Allah (s), respect for our neighbors, respect for the regulations of the society and respect for ourselves.

Keeping the enviroment clean keeps everyone healthy and happy. If we respect nature, it will respect us and continue to provide us and continue to provide us our basic necessities, such as fruits, grains, water, wood, ect. However, if we abuse our nature, we will lose all benefits it provides us. All living things, whether human beings, plants, or animals, are the creation of Allah (s) ad as good Muslims we must respect all of Allah's (s) creations.

We Have Learned

*Cleanliness is part of our Iman (Faith)
*Our bodies should be clean to keep away sickness and diseases.
*We must keep all of our surroundings clean all the time.